Требования к опыту: Опыт управления продуктом от 1го года
Свободный анлийский язык
Иностранные языки: английский (Разговорный)
Launching and promotion of new products.
Assortment management.
Price setting.
Market and industry research, competition analysis.
Sales forecasting.
Creating sales promotion programs.
Planning the product’s KPI on a short and long-term basis
At least 3 years of experience as a Product Manager.
Experience in the electronics market or FMCG is an advantage.
Leadership qualities, proactivity.
Advanced Excel user.
English at the Advanced level
We are glad to see you from the first day: buddy to support the new employee, individual employee introduction plan.
We care about you: flexible start and end of the work day, hybrid format (3 days offline/ 2 days online), voluntary health insurance, including dentistry, maternity support programs.
We like to develop and grow: online/offline trainings and workshops all year round, workshops on presentation skills SEB Talks, communication with colleagues from other countries and international opportunities.
We like to rest together: additional vacation days, club of interests (support of employees’ hobbies), corporate events.
We like to delight our employees: gifts for the holidays and anniversary with the firm.
We take part in charity projects and support our volunteer employees
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