
Product manager

Москва / Россия
170 000 – 300 000 ₽
До вычета налогов

Требования к опыту:
Опыт управления продуктом от 1го года
Свободный анлийский язык

Иностранные языки:
английский (Разговорный)


  • Launching and promotion of new products.

  • Assortment management.

  • Price setting.

  • Market and industry research, competition analysis.

  • Sales forecasting.

  • Creating sales promotion programs.

  • Planning the product’s KPI on a short and long-term basis


  • At least 3 years of experience as a Product Manager.

  • Experience in the electronics market or FMCG is an advantage.

  • Leadership qualities, proactivity.

  • Advanced Excel user.

  • English at the Advanced level


  • We are glad to see you from the first day: buddy to support the new employee, individual employee introduction plan.

  • We care about you: flexible start and end of the work day, hybrid format (3 days offline/ 2 days online), voluntary health insurance, including dentistry, maternity support programs.

  • We like to develop and grow: online/offline trainings and workshops all year round, workshops on presentation skills SEB Talks, communication with colleagues from other countries and international opportunities.

  • We like to rest together: additional vacation days, club of interests (support of employees’ hobbies), corporate events.

  • We like to delight our employees: gifts for the holidays and anniversary with the firm.

  • We take part in charity projects and support our volunteer employees
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    Product manager
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