
RAS MD in vitro

Москва / Россия

Key responsibilities:

  • Maintaining a full cycle of IVD medical devices’ registration, including preparation, submission and maintenance of registration dossiers for approval in Russia, in accordance with local laws and standards
  • Communicating with HQ Regulatory Affairs to collect registration documents and obtain the necessary regulatory, technical, and operational information for registration
  • Reviewing the received regulatory, technical, and operational documentation, as well as local test reports, to ensure compliance with Russian legislation requirements.
  • Interacting with internal stakeholders, registration agencies, government bodies, and relevant regulatory authorities
  • Overseeing technical and clinical testing, verification of proper laboratory accreditation and licensing, and evaluation of the accuracy of test reports
  • Monitoring the accuracy of data in registration certificates and dossiers, and making updates if necessary. Staying informed about legislative changes and updates from the manufacturer and authorized representative
  • Active participating in teamwork, creating procedures and optimizing interactions with HQ
  • Developing procedures and streamlining collaboration with HQ
  • Maintaining electronic records of certificates and documents
  • Providing informational support on registration-related matters to marketing, sales and other departments


  • Higher education
  • 3+ years of experience in regulatory affairs for medical devices
  • English – Upper-intermediate level
  • Experience in managing end-to-end IVD registration projects, including document preparation, testing, dossier assembly, and submission
  • Comprehensive knowledge and understanding of local regulatory requirements
Медицинское, лабораторное, диагностическое, научное оборудование, инструменты (производители и дистрибьюторы)Медицина, фармацевтика, аптеки
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RAS MD in vitro
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